Digital Literacy
Digital literacy is
- skill to live, learn, and work where communication and acces to information is through digital technologies (internet platforms, social media, mobile devices)
- ability to find, evaluate, and clearly communicate information through typing and other media on various digital platforms
- the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills
- Accesss
- Use:
- Techincal fluency
- Understand
- Recognize impact
- Recognize potential
- Create
- Critical Thinking
- Communication and Collaboration Skills
- Clearly express ideas
- ask relevant questions
- maintain respect
- Practical Technical Skills
- how to access
- how to manage
- how to create information
- Social and Cultural Skills
- Critical thinking
- Online safety
- Digital culture (social cultural understanding skill)
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- Finding Information
- Effective Communication and Netiquette
- Functional skill
Key points
- Digital media are networked.
- Digital media are persistent, searchable and shareable.
- Digital media have unknown and unexpected audiences.
- Digital media experiences are real, but donโt always feel real.
- How we respond and behave when using digital media is influenced by the architecture of the platforms, which reflects the biases and assumptions of their creators.
Digital Literacy Skills
- Ethics and Empathy (ethical decisions : cyberbullying, sharing other people's content).
- Privacy and Security (online privacy, reputation and, how to share, understanding data collection, malware and phising, digital footprint awareness).
- Community Engagement (citizen rights, positive influence, active, engaged citizens.
- Digital Health (managing screen time, balancing online and offline lives, managing online identity; dealing with digital media; understanding unhealthy online relationships.
- Consumer Awareness (digital world is commercialized online environments: recognizing and interpreting advertising, branding and consumerism; reading and understanding the implications of website Terms of Service and privacy policies; and being savvy consumers online).
- Finding and Verifying (skills to effectively search the Internet, and then evaluate and authenticate the sources and information they find)
- Making and Remixing (making and remixing skills to create digital content, understanding legal and ethical considerations, and to use digital platforms to collaborate with others.
Goal of Digital Literacy
- Critical/creative thinking
- Constructive social action
- ICT Innovation (in ICT or with ICT)
- Distribution, Infrastructure, Tools
- Navigation skills
- Accessing skills
- Tools related skills
- Right and Responsibility
- Scial awareness and identity
- Judgement
- Safety and security
- Decision making
- Problem solving
- Synthesizing
- Culturel empowerment
Critical Thinking
Basic of Critical Thinking:
- Analyse and evaluate information and arguments
- See patterns and connections,
- Identify and build meaningful information
Strategy of Critical Thinking:
- Who (siapa yang menulis, untuk siapa, siapa yang diuntungkan, siapa yang dipengaruhi, siapa sumbernya, siapa yang mensponsori?)
- What (apa yang tidak disampaikan kepada kita, apa pendapat yang berbeda, apa yang lebih penting dari yang disampaikan, apa kekuatan dan kelemahannya, apa lagi detil yang harus kita ketahui)
- Where (dari mana informasi ini datang, di mana itu terjadi, di mana bukti pendukungnya)
- When (kapan terjadi, kapan dibuat, kapan diperbarui informasinya, kapan kejadian yang sama terjadi di masa lalu)
- Why (mengapa ini dibuat, mengapa memilih pandangan semacam itu, mengapa ini penting dan relevan)
- How (bagaimana aku bisa tahu ini benar, bagaimana meyakinkan, bagaimana ini akan bermanfaat)
Online Safety
Problem: cyber bullying, sexting, age-appropriate content, photo sharing and permission, Online extortion, Online exploitation, Plagiarism and copyright, Virus protection
Quick guide for online safety
- know risks
- keep your personal information safe
- Be kind online
- don't download unknown thing
Digital culture
Problems: transhumanism, AI, cyber ethics, security, privacy, hacking, social engineering, modern psychology
Digital Collaboration
including: digital team, digital discovery, digital content creation, digital communication, digital presentation
Finding Information
- think before begin
- where are you searching?
- dig deep of the search results
- check the website/link
- take closer look (credibility)
- look beyond the headline
- camera can lie, keyboard can lie
- virality is not accuracy
- check other sources, compare
- check the fact
- check your bias
- is it a joke?
- ask the experts
Communication Skills
Online shairng tips
- share only what you fell comfortable with
- avoid sharing your location/identity
- be mindful of other people's feelings
- pay attention to your privacy settings
- don't share every photo/video
- behaviour : respect people, avouid cyberbullies
- language: think before click, every character matters
- timing: stay on topic
- copyright: make sure you have permission
- content: use your critical thinking
10 Langkah Aksi Literasi Digital
[1] Jaga Privasi Digital
[2] Amankan Data Digital
[3] Waspadai Bahaya Digital
[4] Kritis terhadap Informasi
[5] Verifikasi setiap Informasi
[6] Komunikasi Digital dengan Etis
[7] Empati terhadap Warga Digital
[8] Kolaborasi Positif secara Digital
[9] Tepat dalam Mencari Informasi Digital
[10] Buat Kreasi Inovasi Digital
Proyek: Pelatihan Kecakapan Literasi Digital
Apa itu Literasi Digital?
Literasi Digital adalah
- kemampuan dalam belajar, bekerja, dan hidup dengan menggunakan teknologi digital (internet, media sosial, perangkat mobile) sebagai sarana komunikasi dan akses informasi.
- kemampuan menemukan, menilai, dan menyampaikan informasi dengan menggunakan perangkat digital
- pengetahuan dan kemampuan teknis untuk menggunakan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi untuk mencari, menilai, membuat, dan menyampaikan informasi
Apa tujuan dari Literasi Digital
- Masyarakat dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan kritis dengan/dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
- Masyarakat dapat mengembangkan inovasi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
- Masyarakat dapat mengubah keadaan sosial dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
Apa saja ukuran Literasi Digital suatu masyarakat?
- Budaya Digital (digital culture)
- Etika Digital (digital ethics)
- Kecakapan Digital (digital skill)
- Keamanan Digital (digital safety)
Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kecakapan Literasi Digital masyarakat?
- Pelatihan kecakapan literasi digital
- Sosialisasi kesadaran dan kecakapan literasi digital
Apa saja topik pelatihan dan sosialisasi Literasi Digital masyarakat?
- Etika dan empati secara digital (termasuk anti cyberbullying, etika sharing).
- Privasi dan keamanan digital (privasi online, keamanan data dan akses, malware dan phising, kesadaran jejak digital).
- Hak dan kewajiban warga digital.
- Kesehtan digital (pengaturan screen time, keseimbangan kehidupan online dan offline, mengatur identitas online, menjaga relasi online).
- Kesadaran sebagai konsumen digital.
- Menemukan dan memverifikasi informasi digital.
- Membuat den mencampur konten digital.
- Pedoman Berinternet Sehat
- Kewirausahaan Digital
- Dampak sosial media untuk anak dan remaja
- Keamanan siber untuk bisnis online
- Eksploitasi seksual pada internet